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Mario Semenza – Anche nell’era delle tecniche adesivive e dell’approccio digitale al trattamento protesico le preparazioni dentali rappresentano un momento decisivo per garantire il successo terapeutico.

La preparazione di un elemento dentale non e’ un esercizio di pura manualita’, ma il frutto di un processo mentale che porta l’odontoiatra a creare una forma che, contrastando tutti i fattori che possono determinare l’insuccesso terapeutico, esalti le caratteristiche merceologiche dei materiali da restauro che verranno utilizzati e si adatti efficiemente alle tecnologie di laboratorio che verrano sfruttate per la realizzazione del restauro.
un altro fattore di importanza decisiva e’ legato al fatto che una preparazione ben progettata dovra’ permettere alle procedure di rilevazione dell’impronta, siano esse analogiche o digitali, di trasferire in modo ineccepibile  al laboratorio  tutti  i dati anatomici di cui l’odontotecnico necessita per lo sviluppo delle fasi tecniche.
la collaborazione tra odontoiatra ed odontotecnico e la conoscenza reciproca delle problematiche  legate a fattori clinici e di laboratorio, permetteranno di sfruttare al meglio le possibilita’ terapeutiche di cui oggi disponiamo e di creare restauri protesici che si possano integrare in modo corretto all’interno del sistema biologico del cavo orale limitando al massimo l’invasivita’ operativa.

Martina Stefanini – Quale’ il ruolo dei tessuti molli nel trattamento inplantare complesso in zona estetica?

La sostituzione del dente anteriore con impianti dentali in pazienti giovani ed esigenti comporta elevati rischi estetici. qualsiasi eventuale disallineamento e asimmetria del margine gengivale o traslucenza metallica saranno visibili durante il sorriso e quindi compromettere l’aspetto estetico dei pazienti. in questo scenario clinico, esiste un rischio molto elevato di non soddisfare le aspettative del paziente. il posizionamento dell’impianto post-estrazione con provvisorio immediato rappresenta il trattamento di scelta per massimizzare la prevedibilità di un risultato estetico e per ridurre sia il numero di procedure chirurgiche sia il tempo complessivo di trattamento. tuttavia, questo approccio deve comprendere una procedura chirurgica che affronta l’aumento dei tessuti molli al momento del posizionamento dell’impianto.

Marco Ferrari – Dubbi reali e loro soluzioni pratiche in protesi adesiva
L’odontoiatria ha avuto uno sviluppo molto importante negli ultimi 25 anni in seguito allo sviluppo ed al conseguente progresso dell’odontoiatria adesiva. quindi sono stati proposti nuovi materiali protesici, nuove tecniche, workflows clinici e di laboratorio, apparecchiature intraorali ed extraorali per le impronte, e modifiche alle classiche procedure di preparazione degli elementi dentali per restauri indiretti. l’introduzione di procedure adesive nei piani di trattamento protesici costituisce una reale alternativa alle tecniche tradizionali, ed hanno la possibilità di combinare nuovi materiali protesici, nuove tecniche operative, e nuovi apparecchi come p.e. ceramiche, disilicato di litio, resine rinforzate, per essere usate con differenti tipi di disegni marginali, diverse procedure di impronta, tipi di cementazione adesiva, sempre monitorando la conseguente risposta parodontale.
questo importante cambiamento e l’aumento di opzioni operative può sicuramente creare dubbi reali nel clinico, dubbi che spesso derivano dai limiti dei nuovi materiale e tecniche, e pertanto questi dubbi necessitano di pratiche soluzioni.
durante questa presentazione i dubbi reali riguardo il piano di trattamento, il ruolo dell’occlusione, il tipo di preparazioni e di impronte, i diversi materiali da essere utilizzati in combinazione con la protesi adesiva, le tecniche di cementazione adesiva, l’evidenza clinico scientifica della letteratura, i corsi ed i benefici saranno discussi e proposte le loro soluzioni pratiche.

Margvelashvili Mariam – what are the material choices in complex esthetic cases?
Restorations in the esthetic zone can be very challenging. the webinar intends to review inter-disciplinary approach of comprehensive care in the esthetic zones.
first, basic principles and landmarks of esthetic parameters will be presented. it will then focus on how the dento-alveolar changes relate to the facial changes, and what is the checklist for the inter-disciplinary group to evaluate and envision prior to starting a treatment plan. the lecture will then review ceramic materials and restoration types. what is the current evidence for decision-making in prosthodontic practice for esthetic cases? the lecture will also focus on material and restoration type choices in the implant supported fixed restorations in the anterior areas. biologic characteristics of the peri-implant soft tissues and the ways to evaluate and diagnose anterior esthetic implant sites for achieving more predictable outcomes will be discussed.  crown and abutment complexes and their indications, along with how to prosthetically deal with various compromised sites will be reviewed.

Scolavino – Paolone  – I restauri adesivi estetici
Nell’ultimo ventennio, abbiamo assistito ad un processo evolutivo dei sistemi adesivi e dei materiali da restauro, tale da consentire  un approccio minimamente invasivo sui tessuti dentali compromessi da carie ed il raggiungimento di elevati livelli di affidabilità clinica dei restauri adesivi. dall’approccio diretto a quello indiretto, le soluzioni proponibili hanno un comune denominatore: restituire l’estetica e la funzione.

Henriette Lerner  – Contemporary digital technologies : artificial intelligence & co.
All digital dental technologies are validated by parameters of trueness, precision and accuracy and congruence. artificial intelligence is a smart tool which plays amain role in the background of many technologies, minimazing errors and  shortening the procedures  of  planning ,  matching  and manufacturing.
the lecture will  present a state of the art of the contemporary data and studies and their aplications in complex clinical cases.

Helena Chergava – Gummy smile: individualization of minimally invasive correction techniques according to etiology.
A beautiful smile is one of the main indicators of human attractiveness.
however, unfortunately, such aesthetic defect as gummy smile adds considerable dissonance to the face aesthetics.
minimally invasive techniques of aesthetic dentistry and aesthetic medicine (such as botulinum therapy and contouring plastics) perfectly correct this aesthetic problem. but on the background of the polyetiology of gummy smile, it is important to determine the true cause of the defect, as this significantly affects the correction schemes and combination of manipulations.

Irene Sailer – “Minimally invasive single-unit and multiple-unit restorations”
Clinical concepts with minimally-invasive single-unit and multiple-unit restorations
the prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with fixed restorations traditionally encompassed single crowns and/or bridges, cemented onto prepared abutment teeth with aid of conventional cements. in case of a lack of tooth substance the abutment teeth had to be built- up in order to deliver the geometrically desired shape, conicity and size to retain the restorations. the preparation requirements were mostly material- related, based on the needs of metal- ceramic restorations and later also adapted to the needs of all- ceramic restorations. these traditional treatment concepts are supported by a strong body of evidence, numerous studies were published over the last 20 to 30 years on the outcomes of full crown and bridgework. recent systematic reviews of the literature demonstrate excellent survival rates of both metal- ceramic and all- ceramic restorations.
yet, the reviews also highlight that loss of abutment tooth vitality is one predominant biologic complication of the traditional fixed restorations mostly caused by the invasive tooth preparation, hence iatrogenic. yet, significant improvements of the adhesive cementation technology and the restorative materials composite and ceramics open- up a new less invasive treatment approach. instead of preparing teeth to deliver retention to restorations, the current minimally- invasive treatment concepts focus on adhesively bonding them to the substrate and enabling defect- oriented restorations. new restoration types such as additional / non- prep veneers, onlays, overlays, overlay- veneers are increasingly being used for prosthetic rehabilitation today. furthermore, resin-bonded bridges have become a well-documented and accepted treatment means for the replacement of missing anterior teeth.
this lecture will elaborate the actual possibilities of the non- and minimally- invasive restorations for full mouth rehabilitations, and will discuss their indications and current limitations for the rehabilitation of vital and non- vital teeth, and for the replacement of teeth.

Marco Ronda – Difetti ossei post-traumatici: papilla o non papilla questo ë il dilemma

Pazienti e clinici sono sempre pi? impegnati in quella direzione che li orienta alla ricerca di una perfetta estetica del sorriso. siamo consapevoli che la si puú raggiungere in modo esaltante a carico dei denti naturali, diventa tutt’altro che scontata intorno agli impianti osteintegrati. se inoltre consideriamo la sostituzione di elementi dentali mancanti multipli all’interno di un difetto osseo severo e non di un elemento singolo, che puú godere dell’attacco parodontale dei denti adiacenti, comprendiamo facilmente quali siano le difficolta cliniche e biologiche che possano condizionare il risultato estetico finale.
orfani del picco osseo interdentale/inter-implantare, diventa tutto pi? complesso ma non impossibile. discutiamone!

Vincenzo Musella  – modern aesthetic dentistry workflow a to z
Il raggiungimento dell’estetica deve soddisfare le aspettative del paziente. i risultati deludenti non sono dovuti solo a problemi tecnici o clinici, ma piuttosto sono il risultato di una scarsa comunicazione con il paziente. una corretta anteprima estetica ë l’unico sistema che ci consente di controllare la funzione e, soprattutto, il risultato estetico finale prima di iniziare il lavoro. attraverso questa tecnica, le preparazione saranno minimamente invasive e comunque meno distruttive delle preparazioni tradizionali. la tecnica digitale e la tecnica classica sono confrontate per essere in grado di tracciare le linee guida da seguire per una corretta esecuzione clinica.

Ines Barbosa – Steps towards long lasting adhesion. longevity is the key.
As restorative dentists our main goal is to provide long lasting restorations to our patients.
in a pursuit of long term success we will discuss the sequences used to accomplish the ideal preparation of our dental substrate for a highest bonding performance .
we will talk about the importance of the decontamination of the oral cavity, the need of rubber dam isolation and the different preparations of the substrate prior to bonding.
for these 3 main topics we will focus about the understanding of the why and how:
– decontamination by the means of air abrasion – which powders do we have at our disposal in the
market nowadays and how to select them.
– rubber dam isolation, more than a trend – in this presentation we will go trough the correct
material to use and it’s importance, along with the strategy, in order to provide a fast and effective rubber dam isolation.
– substrate preparation, how are we going to prepare the surface for bonding. treating it with glycine, aluminium oxide or bioglass?

Victor Guerrero  – Restoring the severely compromised tooth using rubber dam and modified clamps in a daily practic

Ana Paz – Advanced wound healing: accelerating process and obtaining successful surgical outcomes with technology

Wound healing is a complex and fragile process, susceptible to interruption or failure that can lead to the formation of non-healing chronic wounds. nevertheless wound care encourages, and speeds wound healing.
currently, there is some new technologies of biostimulation accelerating the healing process, reducing the swelling and inflammation and consequently the patient’s post-operative pain, thus obtaining an optimal healing result. dr ana paz will present a protocol and several case reports from orthodontics to complex surgeries. dr paz will be also sharing her experience in the application of photobiomodulation therapy in oral surgery and orthodontics following the principals of wound healing.

Nazariy Mykhaylyuk  – Team work in complex smile makeover. digital workflow.

Throughout the years proper protocols were created by top world specialists.
then, microscopes and other magnification systems were introduced into a daily practice, and now it is difficult to imagine dentistry without them.
everything seemed completed.
but no…
modern dentistry moves one.
we are going digital.”

Friday, June 11

9.00 – 10.30 Mario Semenza: Anche nell’era delle tecniche adesivive e dell’approccio digitale al trattamento protesico le preparazioni dentali rappresentano un momento decisivo per garantire il successo terapeutico
10.30 – 11.15 Margvelashvili Mariam: What are the material choices in complex esthetic cases?
11.45 12.30  Marco Ferrari: Dubbi reali e loro soluzioni pratiche in protesi adesiva
12.30 – 13.15 Martina Stefanini: Qual e’ il ruolo dei tessuti molli nel trattamento implantare complesso in zona estetica?

14.30 – 15.00 Barbosa Ines: Steps towards long lasting adhesion. longevity is the key.
15.00 – 15. 30 Guerrero Victor: Restoring the severely compromised tooth using rubber dam and modified clamps in a daily practic

15.30 – 16.30 Salvatore Scolavino e Gaetano Paolone: I restauri adesivi estetici
16. 45 17.30 Irene Sailer: Minimally invasive single-unit and multiple-unit restorations

17.30 18.15 Henriette Lerner: contemporary digital technologies : artificial intelligence & co.
18.15 19.00 Vincenzo Musella: Modern aesthetic dentistry workflow a to z

Saturday, June 12
9.00 9.45 Nazariy Mykhaylyuk: Team work in complex smile makeover. digital workflow.
9.45 10.30 Helena Chergava: Gummy smile: individualization of minimally invasive correction techniques according to etiology.
10.30 – 11.15 Marco Ronda: Difetti ossei post-traumatici: papilla o non papilla questo ë il dilemma
11.45 – 12.30 Raquel Zita
12.30 – 13.15 Ana Paz
13.15 – 14.00 Eitan Mijiritsky
14.00 – 14.30 Claudia Cotca
14.30 – 15.00 Hande Sar Sancakli
odontoiatra dal 1984 al 3012
Laurea in odontoiatria
università statale di Pavia

Laureato a Pisa in medicina e chirurgia nel 1983, e specializzato in ‘odontostomatologia’ a Siena nel 1987.
PHD in dental materials presso l’Università di AMsterdam nel 1995.
Dal 1990 al 1999 è stato promosso progressivamente da clinical instructor a full professor of restorative dentistry, carica che ancora ricopre, presso la Tufts University di Boston.
nel 2000 è professore associato presso l’Università di Siena e nel 2002 è professore ordinario e presidente del corso di laurea di odontoiatria e protesi dentaria della stessa università.
attualmente presiede il corso di laurea magistrale in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria in lingua inglese presso l’Università di Siena, ed è il direttore del master residenziale in lingua inglese ‘prosthodontic sciences’ organizzato in collaborazione con Aiop ed a normativa epa.
E’ stato prorettore alle relazioni internazionali, presidente dell’Academy of Dental research, del Ced dell’Iadr, di Conseuro 2005, e presidente della conferenza dei presidenti dei corsi di laurea magistrale in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria  per 7 anni fino al 2016.
Attualmente è anche research professor della Tufts University diBboston, professor dell’università di leeds-uk, adjunct professor dell’Università di Rochester, visitng professor dell’Università di Ci’an, Cina.
Autore di crica 390 lavori scientifici impattati su riviste internazionali è board members di 8 riviste internazionali impattate e editor del journal of osseointegration, periodontics and prosthodontics.
Margvelashvili-malament is an assistant professor in the department of prosthodontics at tufts university school of dental medicine (tusdm). she is the diplomate of the american board of prosthodontics and fellow of the american college of prosthodontics.
dr. Margvelashvili-malament received her dmd from the tbilisi state university in Georgia in 2007, also master of science and phd degrees in dental materials from the university of siena, Italy in 2009 and 2013 respectively. she was a post-doctoral researcher at tusdm conducting research on stem cells during 2009-2011.
dr. margvelashvili-malament is a co-author of national residency program in prosthodontics in georgia. she was also the founding chair and full professor of the international dental program at the university of georgia during 2013-2014.
she became a recipient of iti international team for implantology scholarship to pursue implant training at the department of prosthodontics at tusdm. she then completed advanced graduate training in prosthodontics at tusdm and graduated with high honors.
dr. margvelashvili-malament has lectured internationally in continuing education (ce) courses. she has published numerous scientific articles as well as serves as a reviewer for international journals.
dr. margvelashvili-malament is also program director and associate professor of international dental program at the university of georgia, tbilisi, georgia.


Graduated in 2005 from the university of bologna, italy with a degree in dentistry.
she was awarded phd in medical sciences in 2016 from the university of bologna, italy
since 2018 researcher at the departement of biomedical and  neuromotor sciences , bologna university
member of the editorial committee of the italian society of periodontology in 2018-2019
member of the scientific committee of the italian society of periodontology in 2016/2017
visiting professor at San Raffaele University Milan 2015-2016
teacher at the postgraduate program dental school san raffaele university milan 2017
teacher at the ii level international master at bologna university 2017/2018
member of the Nogi ( national osteology group italy)
since 2018 iti fellow
iti study club director
member of the iti leadership development committee
since 2012 active member of the italian society of periodontology (sidp)
since 2005 to 2013 awarded research grant working with prof.giovanni zucchelli
since 2005 to date dental surgeon in private practice as expert in periodontology
author of several publications in pubmed
co-author of a chapter within the book ” implant therapy” edited by m .nevins and h.l. wang
speaker at national and international conferences on periodontology
Laureato con lode presso l’università degli studi di napoli Federico II. immediatamente focalizzato sull’odontoiatria estetica con attenzione particolare sui restauri estetici diretti e indiretti che rappresentano la sua principale passione. L’osservazione metodica del dente naturale è stata la sua fonte di ispirazione per lo sviluppo delle attitudini e conoscenze personali. dal 2004 lavora come libero professionista in Nola (na) dove si dedica alla conservativa, endodonzia e protesi. dal 2010 collabora con alcune aziende del settore. socio attivo Sidoc, socio attivo Iaed, founder della piattaforma web we restore (
Docente master ii livello endodonzia e conservativa universit‡ di siena nel 2015
Prof. a contratto al master di ii livello in endodonzia e conservativa presso la seconda università di napoli nel 2015. prof. a contratto in conservativa al corso di laurea in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria presso la seconda università di Napoli nel 2016.
autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste nazionali ed internazionali, ë relatore a corsi e congressi nazionali ed internazionali.


Professore a contratto, titolare dell’insegnamento in conservativa presso l’università vita-salute San Raffaele Milano.
Socio attivo: Aic (accademia italiana di conservativa
Socio attivo: Iaed (italian academy of esthetic dentistry
Socio attivo: Aiom (accademia italiana di odontoiatria microscopica
Libero professionista, Roma
Autore e coautore di pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste nazionali ed internazionali
Relatore in congressi e corsi nazionali e internazionali
Lecturer, master in esthetics and restorative dentistry, university of bologna, italy;
Autore del capitolo 6 del libro “endoprotetyka” e “moderna odontoiatria estetica workflow dalla a alla z” editi entrambi da quintessence.
1997 laurea in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria, 1992 maturità classica

Born in Lisbon, Ines Castro Barbosa received her degree in dentistry from Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal , in 2007.
Received her diploma of aesthetic dentistry in 2011 from clinica aparicio with Universidad Internacional de Catalunya , Barcelona, Spain.
In this same year she became associate member of the brazilian society of aesthetic dentistry, sboe, rio de janeiro, brazil, from which she was elected the european ambassador since 2017 and in 2018 she became the first european accredited member from this prestigious academy.
active member of the international digital dentistry society.
she participated in several courses and congresses worldwide with the focus on aesthetic dentistry, integrated aesthetic dentistry, smile design and multidisciplinary approaches.
she cooperates with Professor Marleen peumans from Ku Leuven, giving courses for composite restorations, and full mouth rehabilitations with minimal invasive techniques since 2016.
and since 2017 she became guest professor at the international pos graduation program in minimal invasive adhesive dentistry at UniversidadeEegas Moniz , Costa da Caparica , Portugal.
private practice exclusively in restorative dentistry . Cooperation in multidisciplinary teams in Portugal and Belgium.
Founder of icb aesthetic & digital dentistry


Post graduate certificate in oral rehabilitation at the san Juan Bautista University.
Graduated as general dentist at the San Marcos University.
trained in stratification of ceramic veneers during the ceramic week (Ucla – Los Angeles, California).
studies carried out in oral rehabilitation with implants at the national institute of experiments and dental research – s„o paulo and ceramic restorations: planning and integration in aesthetic areas at the “studio dental training center” in curitiba, Brazil.
Studies at the tucker technique – clinical procedures at tucker institute – University of Washington (usa) 2012 and 2016.
Specialization in dental laboratory procedures at advantage dental Lab-lynden in Washington (usa).
Diploma in oral rehabilitation at the professional dentists association of Peru – Commission for professional development.
Diploma in oral implantology at the cientifica del sur university
Professional with over 20 years of experience in the interdisciplinary handling of clinical cases and comprehensive treatments in oral rehabilitation and restorative dentistry. specialist in the tucker technique (clinical and laboratory).
Founding member and past president of the peruvian dental association (aop) and the academy of r.v. tucker study clubs # 62, participating in more than 10 clinical meetings.
active member of the peruvian association of oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation (sppdymf), peruvian association of restorative and biomaterial dentistry (aporyb), and the peruvian academy of stomatology.
Lecturer and speaker of several courses about direct and indirect restorations, absolute isolation in oral rehabilitation, vertical dimension management, functional analysis of occlusion, fixed adhesive prosthesis, conventional and adhesive cementation, dental laboratory management, at various universities and events nationally and internationally (argentina, bolivia, brazil, canada, chile, costa rica, colombia, ecuador, spain, guatemala, indonesia, nicaragua, mexico, panama, portugal and the united states of north america).
Mentor at the tucker institute in the school of dentistry at the university of washington (usa).
Guest professor at the postgraduate program in oral rehabilitation at the san juan bautista university (lima – peru).
Guest professor at the multidisciplinary institute for dental specialities (guadalajara – mexico).
Guest professor at the davincis dental academy (san jose – costa rica).
Prof. dr. med. dent., head
Division of fixed prosthodontics and biomaterials at the university of geneva.
Adjunct associate professor
Department of preventive and restorative sciences, robert schattner center, school of dental medicine, university of pennsylvania, philadelphia, usa (head: prof. dr. m.b. blatz).
Irena sailer received her dental education and dr. med. dent. degree from the faculty of medicine, university of  t¸bingen, germany in 1997/ 1998. in 2003 dr. sailer received an assistant professorship at the clinic of fixed and removable prosthodontics and dental material sciences in zurich. from 2010 on she was an associate professor at the same clinic. in 2007 dr. sailer was a visiting scholar at the department of biomaterials and biomimetics, dental college, new york university, usa. additionally, since 2009 she holds an adjunct associate professorship  at the department of preventive and restorative sciences, robert schattner center, school of dental medicine, university of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, usa.
since september 2013 she is the head of the division of fixed prosthodontics and biomaterials at the university of geneva.
irena sailer is a specialist for prosthodontics (swiss society for reconstructive dentistry), and holds a specialization degree for dental implantology (wba) of the swiss society for dentistry.
she is a member of the board of directors of the swiss society of reconstructive dentistry and of the swiss leadership team of the iti (international team for implantology). furthermore, irena sailer serves the scientific boards of the european association of osseointegration and the swiss society of implantology.
irena sailer is also a member of the board of directors of the eao, an active member of the european academy of esthetic dentistry and an active fellow of the greater new york academy of prosthodontics
Si diploma in odontotecnica presso l’istituto galvani di reggio emilia e consegue la laurea in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria presso l’universit¿ di ancona. amico e allievo orgoglioso del prof. mario martignoni, dal quale ha appreso la passione per la professione.
collabora attivamente nello sviluppo di nuovi materiali e per la realizzazione di casi clinici con: prof. andrea forabosco ? modena,  prof. angelo putignano ? ancona, prof. nitzan bichacho – tel aviv,  prof. dimitar filtchev ? sofia.
fa parte del gruppo styleitaliano.
e’ ideatore dei sistemi di pre-visualizzazione estetica e stratificazione inversa diretta e indiretta.
e’ fondatore di
autore del libro “moderna odontoiatria estetica workflow dalla a alla z” edito da quintessenza
Specialista nel capo dell’odontoiatria miscroscopica. lavora in ivano-frankivsk (ucraina) in una clinica in team con il padre e l’odontotecnico bogdan mykhaylyuk (oral design ukraine). nel 2008 si e’ laureato in odontoiatria nell’universita’ di ivano-frankivsk.
nel 2010 ha creato l’accademia m. vision e ha iniziato ad organizzare corsi sulla tematica: “la preparazione dei denti al microscopio per le corone complete”
nel 2011 ha iniziato ad organizzare nuovi corsi su: “documentazione fotografica e video in odontoiatria, l’approccio microscopico” ” riabilitazione totale dalla a alla z”, “restauri indiretti, da macro a micro, l’approccio micro vision”. ha sviluppato il suo kit personale per la preparazione per corone complete.
nel 2013 ha realizzato strumenti manuali per la finitura della preparazione e un kit per la preparazione di faccette e intarsi.
ha scritto sul giornale di odontoiatria cosmetica aacd edizione invernale
e’ esperto dental xp, cofondatore del gruppo micro vision.
dal 2010 ha organizzato circa 80 corsi per l’accademia micro vision e  partecipa a  corsi e congressi in 42 paesi.
Aesthetic medicine as a minimally invasive practice
botulinum toxin therapy and contour plastics in aesthetic dentistry
comprehensive approach. how to combine aesthetic dentistry and aesthetic medicine in your practice.
etiology of gummy smile
individualization of minimally invasive correction techniques according to etiology. cases from my practice.


Dental medical doctor by the faculty of dental medicine of the university of oporto (fmdup) (1996-2002)
post-graduation in implantology in sweden (2002)
specialization course in implantology by fmdup (2003-2006)
master’s degree in implantology by fmdup (msc) (2006- 2007)
phd programm in implantology at fmdup (2013-2017)
oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the portuguese dental medical association (omd)
minec (megagen international network of continuous education and clinical research) speaker, opinion leader of megagen portugal, kol of smilefy, expert on oralsurgerytube and dentinaltubules educational platforms
invited external teacher at master and specialization course of oral rehabilitation (cespu university, portugal)
private practices in portugal dedicated exclusively to implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation.
publications in impacted factor journals and collaborations in books
several merit awards and prizes
founder member of sopio ( portuguese society of implantology and osteointegration) , active member of bbb (bone biomaterials and beyond) academy
mentor of professional group follow the red
Laureato in medicina e chirurgia nel 1990 presso l’Università di Verona esercita, da allora, la libera professione.
Dal 1998 ha iniziato a collaborare con la sulzer calcitek oggi diventata zimmer dental; ë per essa, uno degli studi della città di Genova, responsabile del surgical training center.
Tra i numerosi corsi attesta la frequenza al corso annuale di chirurgia avanzata tenutosi presso lo studio del prof. massimo simions e ha frequentato il master tenutosi presso l’universit‡ della Pennsylvania sulle tecniche chirurgiche rigenerative.
E’ periodicamente relatore, presso il proprio studio, di corsi teorico-pratici di implantologia e tecniche rigenerative e relatore di corsi teorici nazionali ed internzionali di tecniche di rigenerazione ossea; collabora inoltre con le università di Milano Trieste  modena pisa, roma chieti e genova in qualit‡ docente masterista, e con l’universit‡ di bologna come professore a contratto nei corsi di specializzazione che riguardano le tecniche chirurgiche rigenerative.
Tra le pubblicazioni di maggior rilievo sono da citare:
–    l’articolo pubblicato sull’international journal (int. j periodontics restorative dent 2011; 31:505-513.) in cui viene descritta una nuova tecnica chirurgica per la passivazione del lembo linguale da utilizzarsi negli aumenti di volume in genere.
–    l’articolo sull’international journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, che descrive una nuova tecnica di passivazione del lembo buccale: “a novel approach for the coronal advancement of the buccal flap” (the “brushing” technique)
Si è dedicato allo sviluppo della tecnica chirurgica di gbr della quale ha all’attivo pi? di 200 casi di incremento osseo verticale.
e’ socio attivo della Iao.
e’ co-socio fondatore della piezosurgery accademy (ora ipa).
Ana paz, dds, ms graduated in dentistry from the university of lisbon, portugal. dr. ana paz always had it on her mind to conciliate the clinical activity and the scientific research. while attending the university, she was active in the research group. dr. ana did the thesis of her master’s degree in endodontics, publishing a study titled the, “evaluation of postoperative pain after using bioceramic materials as endodontic sealers”.
dr. ana completed a posgraduation in advanced general practice in the university of
lisbon, and a posgraduation in forensic medicine in the criminal study center in madrid,spain.
currently, dr. ana works in white clinic, a high technology advanced dental clinic based in lisbon, with a interdisciplinary team that treats from simple to full mouth complex cases,most of them planned digitally. she also runs the scientific research and development department, publishing articles in national and international magazines and journals.
dr. ana paz is a member of the digital dentistry society, since dental technologies are her passion. in collaboration with dr miguel stanley, they are one of the pioneers applying photobiomodulation therapy in combination with orthodontic clear aligners.
her other passions are regenerative dentistry and facial aesthetics with the application of prf (platelet rich fibrin), with which she combines with photobiomodulation therapies, having created at white clinic an unique protocol: paz protocol.
dr ana paz is also currently doing a curriculum in biological dentistry and ceramic implants in zurich, switzerland.
dra ana paz is recently collaborating in a research project at goethe university hospital, frankfurt university main with prof. dr dr dr shahram ghanaati on photobiomodulation therapy applied in the maxilo-facial area.
Eitan mijiritsky si laurea alla scuola di medicina dentale all’universit‡ di graduated nel 1990, dove ha completato il suo dottorato e si e’ specializzato in protesi (1996).
dr. mijiritsky ë attualmente senior lecturer al dipartimento di riabilitazione orale dell’universit‡ tel-aviv university, scuola di medicina dentale
e’ tesoriere della societ‡ israeliana di protesi e visiting professor al corso master courses di implantologia e odontoiatria digitale all’universit‡ di chieti, pisa e varese e professore associato all’universit‡ di titu maioresco universit‡ di bucarest, romania.
e’ co-fondatore dell’ iaoi (israeli association of oral implantology) and ambasciatore all’icoi.
dr. mijiritsky ha pubbicato diversi articoli sull’implantologia orale e protesi in testate scientifiche, come anche relaziona in campo internazionale
dr. mijiritsky ha il suo studio privato in riabilitazione orale e implantologia a tel aviv, israel.


istanbul university faculty of dentistry, department of restorative dentistry
university graduate: 2000; istanbul university faculty of dentistry; phd, 2007; “comparison of antibacterial effects of dentin bonding agents in vitro.”assoc. professorship: 2012. visiting lecturer; king’s college dental institute, guy’s hospital. publications in internationally/nationally indexed journals ,book chapters and international conferences, seminars and hands-on courses in restorative dentistry about adhesive dentistry, minimal invasive dentistry and restorative materials.

beside memberships in international scientific associations; member of the board of istanbul university,  member of turkish dental association  international affairs commitee, member of  fdi education commitee and chairperson of ero/fdi working group continuing medical education.
cotca is a graduate of university of michigan, where she received both a bachelor of science with chemistry degree and cellular molecular biology, a master of public health in toxicology, as well as a doctor of dental surgery. she is an international lecturer and aesthetic restorative dentist who founded the washington institute for dentistry & laser surgery, an interdisciplinary dental institute with a focus on oro-systemic treatments and interdisciplinary smile reconstruction within facial neurologic, stomatognathic & musculo-skeletal coordinates. for more than a decade she has developed customized oral-dental protocols on

obstructive sleep apnea
temporomandibular disorders
sports and sleep dentistry
restorative dentistry
laser treatments
dental anti-aging
whitening therapies
systemic implications in oral aesthetic rehabilitation
through her studies in toxicology and as founder of c3 think tank, she develops real time oral clinical protocols for systemic conditions such as

autoimmune, diabetes & endocrinal dysfunction
head & neck injury
cancer ? chemotherapy and radiation
obstructive sleep apnea
metabolic & gi disturbances
dr. cotca’s professional affiliations include

academy of laser dentistry
american academy of oral medicine fellow
american dental association standards committee on dental products (ansi standards subcommittee on lasers, whitening, and biologic evaluation, & others, & us delegate to international organization of standardization
pierre fauchard academy fellow
international college of dentists fellow
american academy of dental sleep medicine
international college of prosthodontists.
american society of laser & medical surgery
since 2001, she has been involved in federal legislation and represented both the american dental association and the american academy of oral medicine as spokesperson and dental expert on capitol hill. dr. cotca has testified before the united states congress, and has appeared on both abc news and nbc news as a dental and oral health expert, as well as several online portals.

education: university of michigan, bachelor of science, chemistry degree, & cellular molecular biology, master of public health, doctor of dental surgery, internship oral medicine, eastman dental institute london, united kingdom.

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